Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wonderland:Tales Of The Light Prologue:Rocco's Story

Since the moment I was born,I've lived in a merry village along with all my friends and family.....and dogs too!!
  However,I never knew my first step out the world would make a big difference...
As I was sitting on the cruise staring at the sky,I remember that day....

                   Wonderland:Tales Of The Light Prologue:Rocco's Story

"Grandma Grandma!" I called out
I was dashing toward her excited about the discovery of the puppies I found!!
 Let see if I remember it was a one eye spotted puppy,a brown fur puppy,and 3 little puppies with a tanned white fur....

As I dash toward her she shift her gaze upon me with her eyes close to shut...
 I quickly show her the puppies I found along the ocean
She smiled and her wrinkles show........
"Rocco,we've own too many puppies already!Look at them!They're everywhere!," my mom yelled
  Puppies start running out behind Mom and start licking me
"See Rocco there is already TOO MUCH!," she said
I groan "But mom its only 13 puppies,and they're small too!" I quickly replied
  "Rocco NO MORE PUPPIES IN THE HOUSE!What will we do when they all grow?Put those puppies where you found them right now!" she growled
"Clam down,Kyoko,just let Rocco keep them.." my grandma said almost like a whisper
"B-But Mom if he keep taking home more each day it won't be long before our house will be filled with dogs" she argue
"Its okay.Just let it slide this time" she smiled
"Fine,but Rocco this is the LAST time anymore puppy get into the house" she said finally defeated
 I smile and quickly ran into the house to give the puppies a home to rest..
Mom heave a sign in back of me while Grandma smile.......

I love my days in this village,everyone is nice and we live in harmony...

Until the day Mom told me that I have to move on.......I don't know what she meant...but she only said "You're young and we want you to explore beyond these fields...We don't want to keep you here forever....." 
 Even my dad who usually joke around came serious this time.....and here I am now....

I look around my surroundings....nothing I'm familiar with...
I got up and walk around to get a better view but suddenly I bump into someone
"Ow" I yelp.....
I look up and notice a girl with long blue hair and a cap....
"I'm sorry" I said..
She smile and said,"It's okay but look where you're going next time and have fun!"
 She walk away...
In a far distance I see a girl dressed formally playing a piece on her I notice a crowd....
 I squish into there to see what was going on...
A match of boxing......a old man versus a orange hair boy older than me were fighting.........

I wasn't into fighting so I go into the room to get a drink.
 The bartender was a girl in curly pigtails and a red sort of long hair guy...
There isn't much to drink so I find a seat and sit quietly and look around...
 Then a brown hair man shift his gaze and our eyes met...
I quickly turn around since I'm not used to other people...

Since there wasn't much to do I walk outside to get some fresh air mainly because some drunk was sitting next to me making me feel uncomfortable...
 I said Hi to the captain..
"Hope you are having a good time her my mate!" he said
"Sure am" I reply
  Suddenly the cruise rattled.....
"C-Captain the ship has been damaged!" said a creworker
"W-What!?""Abandon the ship...HURRY!!!" the captain ordered

The crash of the wave made me unsteady and I quickly tumbled over and hit my head.....
My head felt heavy and my vision quickly leave...........


Ha finished....
I know it is sucky and you don't have to tell me that -_-

However,I'm a person who like to draw manga and aiming to draw one soon but can't draw movements and put life in the artworks yet so I'm writing these in case I forget
If you don't like it,sniffle
If you like it,Thank You!

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