Thursday, March 31, 2011

School Day Post!!

Hey people sSkyxi here!
I'm at my school posting this so I'm going to make it quick.
I promise I will write  a story or chapter between this Thursday or Friday!!
Oh my I have to put computers away!!

Bye bye!!!Adieu~

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sorry For The Delay As Always

No,I'm not part of the Japan Earthquake/Tsuami Disaster but what is delaying me is.....


My Social Studies and Science Exit Project!!!!!!

For the Social Studies Project I've done the whole essay itself and the Bibliography and I just need to borrow some books from the library to back it up

For the Science, I did the actual experiment,but........
Yeah still need to do the paperwork and worry about the printing....-_- Lame

Sign so for a while I won't be doing any posting which is what I've been doing until now....but hey I POSTING HERE MAN!!!!

Both projects are due on April 4  and April 7  and I have a big freaking test on April 6 a test on April 1
so to put it simply

April 1-Spanish Test
April IDK-ELA Test
April 4-Social Studies Project Due
April 6-Science Test
April 7-Exit Project
After or During Spring Break-A scientist project due
A Social Studies Test I forgot when we have it -_-


Yeah so I won't be here for a while.....
Dumb of me to do a project on the reproduction of mold on bread -_-

-Click Computer Screen:Input:Bread-
Bread On Jam
Tasty Sandiwichs
Bread Recipes
-Click Computer Screen:Input:Mold-
The Mold on Blah Blah Blah Floor
Blah Blah Blah!!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Sim Date Now a Story!??

People people PEOPLE!!!!
I was playing sim date games and I came across Jenna Moonlight and Festival Days....

I just LOVE the storyline and stuff!!!!
So now I'm writing it into a story!!!!!YaY!!!!!!!

You can play the games here at:
Nummyz for Jenna Moonlight(Click Games and scroll down to Jenna Moonlight)
Flash Ninja Clan for Festival Days(Direct Link)

The cheats and stuff are easy to find so I won't tell you guys XD

Wonderland:Tales Of The Light Prologue:Sid's Story

"C'mon give me all you got Sid!" he barked
"Hataba-san GET READY!" I shouted


                       Wonderland:Tales Of The Light Prologue:Sid's Story

Our fists clutch each other and we continue to fight until both of us drop to the floor...
"You're getting good kiddo" he said
"You mean I AM good" I reply
My trainer gave me a big grin and hung his hand around my shoulder
  "Are you ready for Round 2 then?" he asked
  "Whenever you are ready" I said
We put on our boxing gloves and start fighting again until it turn late outside
My trainer wave me good-bye and I wave him good-bye

As I was walking home I notice a group of men is surrounding the helpless girl.My instinct kick in and I punch the guy right in the face...
The girl quickly run for it
"Tryin' to be superhero huh?Well now you're gonna get it!"
 He took out a baseball bat and smash it where I was standing
I quickly dodge and perform a upper punch on him
  Fear show on their face and they start running
"Fools" I mumble.....

"I'm home"
"Oh,Sid,Welcome home dear" my mom sweetly greeted me
"Hows my son doing?" my dad said putting down his newspaper
"Great dad"
My dad was once a boxing champion so following the footsteps of him I start learning boxing
"How bout' we go break a few knuckles" my dad joked
"Dear!Its almost dinner!Stop playing and get here and help!" she growled
"Yes Yes I'm coming Hinako-Chan!!" he stand up and run toward mom

I walk upstairs to change
  I always wonder why dad quit being a world champion and start teaching.......
   When I was small I always ask him that but he always just say "You'll understand when you grow up"

"Phew what a long day" I lay on my bed sighing until mom called me down for dinner

-Next Day-

"Lookin' god Sid hows your day?" he said almost like a shout
"Great -_- but I'm still tired from yesterday"
"Ah when I was your age I was already a champion!" he growl
"And when is "when you are young"
"About 30 years ago but don't sweat the details kiddo" he grin
"Wow I'm sure you WERE pretty YOUNG back then -_-"
"Are you saying I'm old? I'm only 53"
"No not at all,you're very YOUNG being 53 years old"

He grin and quickly push me to warm ups
 "You know son,I'm sure you can be a world champion if you practice more and get as handsome as me " he said in a proud tone
   "Yea sure" I reply
 "But don't forget tomorrow's match!!!If you lose,I'll make you do 30 laps around the yard!"
"Thank you but I don't think I'll be doing the 30 laps"
"Ohh sounding confident!"

During the match our fists clash
The timer was count 10,9,8,7,6...........
 My mind was a blur
The whistle blow...
"And the winner is.......Sid!" the ref.announce

"Good goin' Sid!" Hataba-san shouted

 That was the last thing I remember him saying....
Here I am now,traveling the world to become a world champion...
 And that's what I'm doing right now!
Me versus a man of a heavy built on the cruise Oceanic Star
  Crowds surround me many filled with excitement and some cover their face and leave a little hole to peak at the match
    I see many people and a little boy with a puppy on his head squish his way in and leave.....I wonder why he isn't interested?

I hit him in the chin and he fell down
"Good match" I reach my hand out to shake his
He shake his head and grin
We shake our hands and he left

Suddenly a big wave crash onto the cruise
In a distance,I hear the captain's words ".....................abandon the ship!!!"

The loud crash hit the cruise and I fell to the ground

All I see is black.....................

Not too good for Sid -_- Boxer's world pssh

If you like,contact me as my e-mail is listed in my profile
Follow xSkyStories by clicking "Follow This Blog"  or follow by e-mail!

Sudden Anounce Of Delay

Sorry guys but due to my projects in Science and Social Studies at school I might have NO time sometimes to write anything and forgive me if  I start writing sometime scientific or historic -_-

O.o Did you know that American declare independence from England in the 1775-1783?REJECTION!!!

-Now I have 3 project due next April 5 and so on and so forth
-A spring concert in May
-and etc......

Now now I know you will not miss me
 But I'm a lazy person so......yeah maybe I'll fail and repeat this year again
Please bless god I will have a good score (only pray to god when in troubles that's me)

Also,as I mention many many many MANY MANY times please visit my other blog,Scarlet Memories

Thank You and have a  good day or afternoon or  night depending on where you are -_-

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wonderland:Tales of The Light Characters

As I promise from before,here is the characters from Wonderland Online
 Sorry but I have to squeeze everything in since there are A LOT of characters and I need to input the names

I hope you enjoy it!

Future Road Cast!!!

Hey everyone!!!!
Again sorry for doing all these random stuff instead of the actual chapters but I LIKE IT!

This time I created a picture of Future Road in Original Cast before I made any changes to them due to the other admins disagreeing -_-


Current Projects

As the title say,this is all the stories I doing for now,
Don't know when I might add some or take out some -_-

Wonderland:Tales Of The Light Prologue:Rocco's Story

Since the moment I was born,I've lived in a merry village along with all my friends and family.....and dogs too!!
  However,I never knew my first step out the world would make a big difference...
As I was sitting on the cruise staring at the sky,I remember that day....

                   Wonderland:Tales Of The Light Prologue:Rocco's Story

"Grandma Grandma!" I called out
I was dashing toward her excited about the discovery of the puppies I found!!
 Let see if I remember it was a one eye spotted puppy,a brown fur puppy,and 3 little puppies with a tanned white fur....

As I dash toward her she shift her gaze upon me with her eyes close to shut...
 I quickly show her the puppies I found along the ocean
She smiled and her wrinkles show........
"Rocco,we've own too many puppies already!Look at them!They're everywhere!," my mom yelled
  Puppies start running out behind Mom and start licking me
"See Rocco there is already TOO MUCH!," she said
I groan "But mom its only 13 puppies,and they're small too!" I quickly replied
  "Rocco NO MORE PUPPIES IN THE HOUSE!What will we do when they all grow?Put those puppies where you found them right now!" she growled
"Clam down,Kyoko,just let Rocco keep them.." my grandma said almost like a whisper
"B-But Mom if he keep taking home more each day it won't be long before our house will be filled with dogs" she argue
"Its okay.Just let it slide this time" she smiled
"Fine,but Rocco this is the LAST time anymore puppy get into the house" she said finally defeated
 I smile and quickly ran into the house to give the puppies a home to rest..
Mom heave a sign in back of me while Grandma smile.......

I love my days in this village,everyone is nice and we live in harmony...

Until the day Mom told me that I have to move on.......I don't know what she meant...but she only said "You're young and we want you to explore beyond these fields...We don't want to keep you here forever....." 
 Even my dad who usually joke around came serious this time.....and here I am now....

I look around my surroundings....nothing I'm familiar with...
I got up and walk around to get a better view but suddenly I bump into someone
"Ow" I yelp.....
I look up and notice a girl with long blue hair and a cap....
"I'm sorry" I said..
She smile and said,"It's okay but look where you're going next time and have fun!"
 She walk away...
In a far distance I see a girl dressed formally playing a piece on her I notice a crowd....
 I squish into there to see what was going on...
A match of boxing......a old man versus a orange hair boy older than me were fighting.........

I wasn't into fighting so I go into the room to get a drink.
 The bartender was a girl in curly pigtails and a red sort of long hair guy...
There isn't much to drink so I find a seat and sit quietly and look around...
 Then a brown hair man shift his gaze and our eyes met...
I quickly turn around since I'm not used to other people...

Since there wasn't much to do I walk outside to get some fresh air mainly because some drunk was sitting next to me making me feel uncomfortable...
 I said Hi to the captain..
"Hope you are having a good time her my mate!" he said
"Sure am" I reply
  Suddenly the cruise rattled.....
"C-Captain the ship has been damaged!" said a creworker
"W-What!?""Abandon the ship...HURRY!!!" the captain ordered

The crash of the wave made me unsteady and I quickly tumbled over and hit my head.....
My head felt heavy and my vision quickly leave...........


Ha finished....
I know it is sucky and you don't have to tell me that -_-

However,I'm a person who like to draw manga and aiming to draw one soon but can't draw movements and put life in the artworks yet so I'm writing these in case I forget
If you don't like it,sniffle
If you like it,Thank You!

Wonderland:Tales of The Light

Excuse me for all these random post but.....anyway!!!

Wonderland:Tales Of The Light is a story based on the storyline in the game

However,I tried adding some factors of my own might be a BIT different


Plot: -Copied From Wonderland Online Official Website-
It was a clear, crisp day aboard the
luxury cruise ship Oceanic Star. The massive ship cut through the indigo water with precision on her way around the world. Tourists aboard enjoyed the weather on deck by sunbathing or frolicking in the warm pool. It was a day like any other for them, carefree and relaxed, but all was not as it seemed...
A sharp sound split the air and a shudder resounded throughout the ship.
Deck chairs overturned, and sunbathers were thrown roughly to the deck amid a tangle of gear, people and personal items. The people aboard were in a state of panic. What could have happened? The well trained crew tried to regain order and, following orders from the Captain, began moving the passengers to the lifeboats.
Chaos ensued as passengers realized that their worst fears had been realized...the ship was going down.
As they boarded the lifeboats and paddled away, a sense of panic began to overcome them and many passed out from the exertion. Upon awakening they found they had been stranded on an isolated island with nothing and no one else around except for a few shattered remains of the ship and a few boxes of supplies.
If these strangers are to survive this ordeal they must put aside their petty differences and work together. A few survivors set out to gather any resources they could find on the island. In doing this they began to see that this island was not as barren as they thought and was full of life and resources that, properly used, might help them make their way back home. This is where you join them. Let the adventure begin...

Rocco-a boy from the country.Love puppies.
Nina-She comes from a rich family.A favorite among elders.
Daniel-A loner who travel from place to place.Has a mysterious past.
Betty-An orphan adopted by circus ringmaster.Love noisy places.
Vanessa-A Senior High School Student.Inside she hold a hidden strong will.
Sid-A boxer with acute sense of justice.
More-A bartender.A hit to the ladies.
Nicole-She excel in all sports.She is calm and cool.
Konno Tsuruko-The only daughter of a traditional family.Loved by the elders.
Alice-Attendant on the ship who love to help others.No.1 in working group.
Maria-She is the nurse of the ship.She can instantly calm passengers.
Jessica-Born from a European Royalty.A musical genius.
Breillat-She works at a bar on the Oceanic Star cruise.
Kurogane Juzo-A very skilled craftsman.Will help people in difficulty.
Karin Liebtrud-Grow up in a rich family.Vain but honest and straight forward.

Wow -_- Don't wanna type that again -_-
Wait.......if all those characters+all the human pets=MASSIVE OUTBREAK
Wow....glup I'm sure I'll need to think of doing the death quests 

Future Road Disclaimer

First thing first,
I DO OWN Future Road knowing it's my own joint story with my friends sign~

Now here comes the WOOPIE part that will make you go WOOPIE!
 This story is according to MY head
Sure there are some changes because it is by they disagree to my idea
 So I'm doing it HERE!HaH!
-Hope none of them reads this -_- -

Plot: Five people, 4 school girl and 1 dude(FLIRT ALERT!!) are transported into the "New World" to save that world from falling apart.Along their way, they meet many allies,enemies,and COOKIES!!!!!

Natalie-The Attack Mage
Mana-The Gunslinger
Ace-The Perverted Prince Spearman
Starr-The Support Mage
Sparkle-The Swordsman- I-I MEAN SWORDSMAIDEN!!!!

For the REAL story according to the five of us,you can find it here on

Hope you will read!!
Also,have a bad good day! -smirk-