Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Some Day Before I D.I.E.

Sorry XD people since I haven't been posting anything -_- Sorry

But really, I'm busy with my projects and stuff and lately the teacher is mad at us for not doing the exercises -_-


Me bashing my head

I will post someday no worries ^_^'m alive......

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fateful Story Disclaimer

First of all this story belong to me! and me ONLY!

Anyway as usual I was at my bedroom and while trying to fall asleep, I just thought of this story( yea I do stupid things I'm bored XD)

Anyway I would like to introduce the characters

Main Character:
Hikaru- Human- Female
-She is a very happy girl that live in the Human Village. She is very playful so she sometimes sneak off to the other villages to play-

Ronald- Elf- Male
-Part of the Royal Armed Guardians for the Kingdom of Rosinvil. He is very orderly and he likes to fight-

Sabrina- Elf- Female
-A bounty hunter that encounter Hikaru at the beginning of the story. She is very quiet and nice but if you get on er nerves, WATCH OUT-

Carlos- Elf- Male
-A flirt that never stop flirting when women is around. He often get on Sabrina's nerves due to his full-of-himself attitude-

Mira- Cat- Female
-A cat girl from a human-animal village. She is a alchemist ho loves to explore new things but when she start mixing her potions, she always bomb everyone-

Minor Characters:(They will each ave at least 1 chapter)

-A swordsman exploring the land in search for his friend-

-A small girl with a unknown background. She is a Master Puppeteer who always give life to her little rabbit she carries around-

-Riina's rabbit that she always carries around-

-Hikaru's Mom-

-A mysterious person that always show up in Hikaru's dreams-

I'm not going to mention the others since it WILL take too long -_-
But let me say this

I will post at least 1 or more chapters on this before I lose my memory of it after thinking of another.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

School Day Post!!

Hey people sSkyxi here!
I'm at my school posting this so I'm going to make it quick.
I promise I will write  a story or chapter between this Thursday or Friday!!
Oh my I have to put computers away!!

Bye bye!!!Adieu~

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sorry For The Delay As Always

No,I'm not part of the Japan Earthquake/Tsuami Disaster but what is delaying me is.....


My Social Studies and Science Exit Project!!!!!!

For the Social Studies Project I've done the whole essay itself and the Bibliography and I just need to borrow some books from the library to back it up

For the Science, I did the actual experiment,but........
Yeah still need to do the paperwork and worry about the printing....-_- Lame

Sign so for a while I won't be doing any posting which is what I've been doing until now....but hey I POSTING HERE MAN!!!!

Both projects are due on April 4  and April 7  and I have a big freaking test on April 6 a test on April 1
so to put it simply

April 1-Spanish Test
April IDK-ELA Test
April 4-Social Studies Project Due
April 6-Science Test
April 7-Exit Project
After or During Spring Break-A scientist project due
A Social Studies Test I forgot when we have it -_-


Yeah so I won't be here for a while.....
Dumb of me to do a project on the reproduction of mold on bread -_-

-Click Computer Screen:Input:Bread-
Bread On Jam
Tasty Sandiwichs
Bread Recipes
-Click Computer Screen:Input:Mold-
The Mold on Blah Blah Blah Floor
Blah Blah Blah!!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Sim Date Now a Story!??

People people PEOPLE!!!!
I was playing sim date games and I came across Jenna Moonlight and Festival Days....

I just LOVE the storyline and stuff!!!!
So now I'm writing it into a story!!!!!YaY!!!!!!!

You can play the games here at:
Nummyz for Jenna Moonlight(Click Games and scroll down to Jenna Moonlight)
Flash Ninja Clan for Festival Days(Direct Link)

The cheats and stuff are easy to find so I won't tell you guys XD

Wonderland:Tales Of The Light Prologue:Sid's Story

"C'mon give me all you got Sid!" he barked
"Hataba-san GET READY!" I shouted


                       Wonderland:Tales Of The Light Prologue:Sid's Story

Our fists clutch each other and we continue to fight until both of us drop to the floor...
"You're getting good kiddo" he said
"You mean I AM good" I reply
My trainer gave me a big grin and hung his hand around my shoulder
  "Are you ready for Round 2 then?" he asked
  "Whenever you are ready" I said
We put on our boxing gloves and start fighting again until it turn late outside
My trainer wave me good-bye and I wave him good-bye

As I was walking home I notice a group of men is surrounding the helpless girl.My instinct kick in and I punch the guy right in the face...
The girl quickly run for it
"Tryin' to be superhero huh?Well now you're gonna get it!"
 He took out a baseball bat and smash it where I was standing
I quickly dodge and perform a upper punch on him
  Fear show on their face and they start running
"Fools" I mumble.....

"I'm home"
"Oh,Sid,Welcome home dear" my mom sweetly greeted me
"Hows my son doing?" my dad said putting down his newspaper
"Great dad"
My dad was once a boxing champion so following the footsteps of him I start learning boxing
"How bout' we go break a few knuckles" my dad joked
"Dear!Its almost dinner!Stop playing and get here and help!" she growled
"Yes Yes I'm coming Hinako-Chan!!" he stand up and run toward mom

I walk upstairs to change
  I always wonder why dad quit being a world champion and start teaching.......
   When I was small I always ask him that but he always just say "You'll understand when you grow up"

"Phew what a long day" I lay on my bed sighing until mom called me down for dinner

-Next Day-

"Lookin' god Sid hows your day?" he said almost like a shout
"Great -_- but I'm still tired from yesterday"
"Ah when I was your age I was already a champion!" he growl
"And when is "when you are young"
"About 30 years ago but don't sweat the details kiddo" he grin
"Wow I'm sure you WERE pretty YOUNG back then -_-"
"Are you saying I'm old? I'm only 53"
"No not at all,you're very YOUNG being 53 years old"

He grin and quickly push me to warm ups
 "You know son,I'm sure you can be a world champion if you practice more and get as handsome as me " he said in a proud tone
   "Yea sure" I reply
 "But don't forget tomorrow's match!!!If you lose,I'll make you do 30 laps around the yard!"
"Thank you but I don't think I'll be doing the 30 laps"
"Ohh sounding confident!"

During the match our fists clash
The timer was count 10,9,8,7,6...........
 My mind was a blur
The whistle blow...
"And the winner is.......Sid!" the ref.announce

"Good goin' Sid!" Hataba-san shouted

 That was the last thing I remember him saying....
Here I am now,traveling the world to become a world champion...
 And that's what I'm doing right now!
Me versus a man of a heavy built on the cruise Oceanic Star
  Crowds surround me many filled with excitement and some cover their face and leave a little hole to peak at the match
    I see many people and a little boy with a puppy on his head squish his way in and leave.....I wonder why he isn't interested?

I hit him in the chin and he fell down
"Good match" I reach my hand out to shake his
He shake his head and grin
We shake our hands and he left

Suddenly a big wave crash onto the cruise
In a distance,I hear the captain's words ".....................abandon the ship!!!"

The loud crash hit the cruise and I fell to the ground

All I see is black.....................

Not too good for Sid -_- Boxer's world pssh

If you like,contact me as my e-mail is listed in my profile
Follow xSkyStories by clicking "Follow This Blog"  or follow by e-mail!

Sudden Anounce Of Delay

Sorry guys but due to my projects in Science and Social Studies at school I might have NO time sometimes to write anything and forgive me if  I start writing sometime scientific or historic -_-

O.o Did you know that American declare independence from England in the 1775-1783?REJECTION!!!

-Now I have 3 project due next April 5 and so on and so forth
-A spring concert in May
-and etc......

Now now I know you will not miss me
 But I'm a lazy person so......yeah maybe I'll fail and repeat this year again
Please bless god I will have a good score (only pray to god when in troubles that's me)

Also,as I mention many many many MANY MANY times please visit my other blog,Scarlet Memories

Thank You and have a  good day or afternoon or  night depending on where you are -_-